Available courses

Fine Tune Your English is a Grammar text prescribed for semester 1 Degree students of MG University. As beginners most of the students find the lessons a bit overwhelming. This course is prepared to help the students to learn the grammar lessons in a simple way.



1.1History of classics1
1.2Introduction to Homer1
1.3Background of the poem : “The Odessey”1
1.4Recitation and analysis3
1.5Analysis of the literary features1
1.6Introduction to Kalidasa1
1.7Analysis of the plot1
1.8Recitation and review the philosophy of life: “Rubaiyat”and “Lovely is Youth “2
1.9Evaluate the key aspects of nature, beauty and life1
1.10Introduction to Dante1
1.11Textual recitation: “Divine Comedy”2
1.12Allegorical representation and metaphors in the poem1
1.13Introduction to the poet and recitation “On His Blindness”1
1.14Analysis of the major themes1

Shakespearean Excerpts

2.1History of Drama1
2.2Introduction to Shakespeare1
2.3Background of the play : “Romeo and Juliet”1
2.4Textual study and analysis4
2.5Critical examination of the dramatic techniques1
2.6Performance practice of the play2
2.7Introduction to “Merchant of Venice”2
2.8Textual study and analysis5
2.9Evaluate the use of „words‟ both logically and literally1

Novel Excerpts

3.2Introduction to Cervantes-Study of the text “Don Quixote” Chapter VIII3
3.3Evaluate the various norms of chivalry and analysis of the characters1
3.5Textual study: Sections from “Gulliver‟s Travels” (Story of Adventures in Lilliput)7
3.9Introduction to the author and familiarity of the characters “Pride and Prejudice”1
3.10Analysis of the text6

Short fiction

4.1Introduction to Rabindranath Tagore1
4.2Textual study and analysis of the title “Kabuliwala”1
4.3Critical evaluation of major themes1
4.4Introduction to the style of Leo Tolstoy1
4.5Textual study: How Much Land Does a Man Need?”4
4.11Evaluate the relationship between man and land1
4.12Trace the style of Charles Dickens1
4.13Textual study: “The Black Veil”3
4.14Frame conclusions on the social commentary1
4.15Introduction to the author and background information1
4.16Study of the text: “The Shape of the Sword”